Yuyu Chen
University of Melbourne
- Lecturer, Centre for Actuarial Studies, University of Melbourne, 2023.01–present
- Research Assistant, University of Waterloo, 2022.09–2022.12
Education and Professional Designation
- Ph.D. in Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo, 2022
-Supervisors: Ruodu Wang and Ken Seng Tan
- M.Sc. in Statistics, University of Calgary, 2018
-Supervisors: Alexandru Badescu
- B.Ec. in Actuarial Science, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2016
- Associate of the Society of Actuaries, 2021
Research Interests
I am interested in the research of actuarial science and risk management.
- Portfolio risk analysis
- Risk aggregation
- Model uncertainty
- Chen, Y. and Shneer, S. (2024). Risk aggregation and stochastic dominance for a class of heavy-tailed distributions.
- Boonen, T.J., Chen, Y., Han, X., and Wang, Q. (2024). Optimal insurance design with Lambda-Value-at-Risk.
- Chen, Y., Wang, R., Wang, Y., and Zhu, W. (2024). Sub-uniformity of harmonic mean p-values.
- Chen, Y., Embrechts, P., and Wang, R. (2024). Risk exchange under infinite-mean Pareto models.
- Chen, Y., Embrechts, P., and Wang, R. (2024). An unexpected stochastic dominance: Pareto distributions, dependence, and diversification. Operations Research (forthcoming).
- Chen, Y., Hu, T., Wang, R., and Zhou, Z. (2025). Diversification for infinite-mean Pareto models without risk aversion. European Journal of Operational Research .
- Chen, Y. and Wang, R. (2025). Infinite-mean models in risk management: Discussions and recent advances. Risk Sciences.
- Chen, Y., Liu, P., Tan, K. S., and Wang, R. (2023). Trade-off between validity and efficiency of merging p-values under arbitrary dependence. Statistica Sinica.
(R package)
- Chen, Y., Liu, P., Liu, Y., and Wang, R. (2022). Ordering and inequalities for mixtures on risk aggregation. Mathematical Finance.
- Chen, Y., Lin, L., and Wang, R. (2022). Risk aggregation under dependence uncertainty and an order constraint. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
- Badescu, A., Chen, Y., Couch, M., and Cui, Z. (2019). Variance swaps valuation under non-affine GARCH models and their diffusion limits. Quantitative Finance.
Teaching Experience
- 2023.01-present: Subject Coordinator at the University of Melbourne
-ACTL40004/90003 (Advanced Financial Mathematics/Mathematics of Finance III)
-ACTL20004/90021 (Topics in Actuarial Studies/Topics in Insurance and Finance)
- 2018.09-2022.08: Teaching Assistant at the University of Waterloo
- 2016.09-2018.06: Teaching Assistant at the University of Calgary
Selected Awards
- Best Paper Award (First Place), the 13th China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (CICIRM 2023)
- Best Paper Award, the 2021 International Actuarial Association Joint Section Colloquium AFIR-ERM Section
- Sprott Scholarship, University of Waterloo
- Maplesoft Best Student Paper Award, the 24th Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
- Honorable mention of the Best Student Presentation Award, the 56th Actuarial Research Conference
- Mathematical and Computational Finance Lab Seminar, University of Calgary, September 2022
- Extreme Value Theory and Quantitative Risk Management Workshop, online, August 2022
- The International Actuarial Association Joint Section Colloquium, online, October 2021
- The 56th Actuarial Research Conference, online, August 2021
- The 24th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, online, July 2021
- The 5th PKU-NUS Annual International Conference on Quantitative Finance and Economics, online, May 2021
- University of Waterloo SAS Research Presentation Day, Waterloo, Canada, February 2020
- The 2018 Alberta Mathematics Dialogue, Calgary, Canada, May 2018
Peer-review Service
- Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
- ASTIN Bulletin - The Journal of the International Actuarial Association
- Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
- European Actuarial Journal
- Journal of Mathematical Economics
- Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
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